Ministry vs. Movements

Eric Swanson posted the following info on movements. Worth Considering

Ministry is conversion–Movement is transformation
Ministry is control–Movement is empowerment
Ministry is one generation–Movement is 4 generations
Ministry is short term because one generation runs out–Movement is long term
Ministry consumes resources, always a need for subsidy–Movement produces resources
Ministry is tiring and frustrating–Movement is renewal and strength
Ministry ends with you–Movement goes on with out you
is protective of turf because there is only one generation. Playing it
safe–Movement is risk oriented. You put it all on the line for the
Ministry is limited scope of one audience or one place–Movement is unlimited in scope
is leader centered. Pastors or staff do everything. Like people
watching a tennis match. The pros do the work, the amateurs
watch–Movements make people lead. The leader’s role is to resource but
not to shine
Ministry ends in death–Movement ends in reproductions