Church Planting Movements By David Garrison (S.Baptist IMB)

David Garrison has been doing some good work on movement building within the context of the Southern Baptist church planting efforts. Here’s a brief overview:
Definition: Church Planting Movement (CPM) is a rapid and exponential increase of indigenous churches planting churches within a given people group or population segment.
Rapid–rapid increases in new church starts (i.e. not saturation church planting over decades)
Exponential Increase–not incremental growth or addition but exponential multiplication, two become four, four become 16 and so forth. “Exponential multiplication is only possible when new churches are being started by the churches themselves–rather than by professional church planters or missionaries.
Indigenous–means that the initiative and drive of the movement comes from within the people group rather than from outsiders.

Ten Universal Elements (common to Garrison’s survey of CPMs around the world)
1. Prayer
2. Abundant Gospel Sowing
3. Intentional Church Planting
4. Scriptural Authority
5. Local Leadership
6. Lay Leadership
7. Cell or House Churches
8. Church Planting Churches
9. Rapid Reproduction
10. Healthy Churches (those who practice worship, evangelistic/missionary outreach, education and discipleship, ministry/service, fellowship)

See: Church Planting Movements By David Garrison (S.Baptist IMB)