Leadership Essentials

In an article at www.pastors.com, Rick Warren summarized his basic concepts about leadership. I found several of them to be good reminders as we lead movement building efforts.

1. Nothing happens until someone provides leadership for it. This is a law of life. Everything rises or falls on leadership, and most problems can be traced to a lack of competent leadership. I believe one of the greatest problems today is a leadership shortage.

I wish this weren’t true, but everything seems to confirm it.

2. The test of leadership is: “Is anybody following?” If you have to remind people that you’re the leader, then you’re not. The Sunday I stand up at Saddleback and say, “Folks, we’re going to do it my way because I am the leader”–that’s the Sunday I’ve ceased to be the leader. Leadership is influence, and if you’re not influencing anybody, it doesn’t matter whether you think you’re the leader or not — because the fact is you’re not.

Again, I wish it weren’t true–especially when I look behind me.

3. The foundation of leadership is character, not charisma. You don’t have to have charisma to be a leader, but you do have to have character. Without it, no one will follow you.

Obviously true–but needs to be more nuanced. You can lead for a while with just charisma, but not for any length of time. Character allows you to endure.

4. The moment you stop learning, you stop leading. All leaders must be learners. You must always be developing and growing and becoming what God wants you to be. Learning to be a leader takes a lifetime.

My personal favorite–so true. But a strong reminder to work on three above it.