Campbell’s Life Cycles of a Movement

leaf According to Jonathan Campbell, movements go thru a continuous four-phase life-cycle or process. These phases represent identifiable phases of development by which movements mature. The phases are not so much as rigid sequence, but rather an organic rhythm that we see throughout the book of Acts (3:1-14:26).

Basically, movements of evangelism and discipleship follow the simple process of what Campbell calls sending, gathering, covenanting or community building, and reproducing.

1. Sending refers to the commissioning or sending of an apostolic team to a location (local or trans local) for a short or long term commitment. This apostolic team first prays for the unreached or undiscipled people group. They then seek to build new relationships with seeking unbelievers and/or find a person of peace (Luke 10).

2. Gathering refers to bringing seekers and new believers into a place where they can hear the gospel. Often, this happens in the context of a community where the apostolic team meets with their specific people group in homes and seeks ways to share the gospel (Acts 16). In the process of gathering, the apostolic team attempts to connect unreached and undiscipled people groups, looking for emerging leaders and disciples who will multiply.

3. Covenanting refers to building a disciple-making community. A gathered group of new believers matures as it commits (or covenants) to relate to one another as members of the Body of Christ. Here the apostolic team and new emerging leaders baptize, equip, teach, and develop new Christ-followers in what it means to follow Christ fully. Leaders are being developed in this phase. The Lord’s Supper is practiced and shepherds are commissioned.

4. Reproducing refers to the phase where emerging movements don’t just get bigger, they reproduce. Multiplication begins to take place at every level: disciples, leaders, teams, ministries, churches. This normally happens because the gathered churches follow a simple lifestyle and strategy for evangelism and discipleship. A high value for mission creates a climate for equipping and empowering the community to regularly send out new apostolic teams to reproduce other disciples and ministries/movements.

Where is your church or movement in this life cycle? Are you just starting? Does an apostolic team need to be sent? Are you still gathering? Covenanting? Are you actually reproducing?

Campbell on Movements