Todd Hunter on Evangelistic Questions

Todd Hunter wrote the following response to the new book, “unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity… and Why It Matters” (David Kinnaman, Gabe Lyons)

Effectiveness in evangelism depends now on “the Christianity” of Christians. Thus we need a new story to tell. We need a version of the Gospel that naturally and routinely affects our actual life—not just our death and afterlife. It is clear from Jesus and the major writers of the New Testament that life has always been the focus of the authentic Gospel. . . .
When I put the research of Kinnaman together with the Gospel as explained by those writers I come up with two key thoughts.

First, we need to change our evangelistic question. Instead “if you died tonight do you know where you would go” we should ask “if you know you were going to live tomorrow, how would you decide how to do life? What story would you embody? Who would you follow?”
Second, when asked what does it mean to be a Christian, I now answer “it means that in our actual lives—the events and people of our daily routines—we are the cooperative friends of Jesus, seeking to live constant lives of creative goodness through the power of the Holy Spirit…and we do this for the sake of others”.

Excerpted from Todd’s Article: The Next Wave

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