Foster Experimentation, Create Connections, Feed the System

“People do not need the intricate directions, time lines, plans, and organization charts that we thought we had to give them. These are not how people accomplish good work; they are what impede contributions.

But people do need a lot from their leaders.

They need information, access, resources, trust and follow-trough. Leaders are necessary to foster experimentation, to help create connections across the organization, to feed the system with rich information from multiple sources–all while helping everyone stay clear on what we agreed we wanted to accomplish and who we wanted to be.

We instinctively reach out to leaders who work with us in creating meaning.” — Margaret Wheatley

I love Wheatley’s stuff on “self-organizing” systems–the dynamic taking place in spiritual (organic) movements. As you consider your own movement leadership, are you empowering or controlling, growing communities or building a congregation?

How would you answer the following?

Where am I fostering experimentation?

Where am I creating connections across the movement?

Where am I feeding the system with rich information?

Where have I helped everyone stay clear on who we are and what we want to accomplish?

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