A Powerful Moment

Several of us were at the Catalyst Conference recently. This stood out as the conference’s most powerful moment. It’s a fairly long clip with some lead in and lead out clips around the story of Jimmy and Mark. Let me encourage you to hang in there and watch it all.

I couldn’t help but think of the impact a Compassion Sponsorship might have on a child in poverty–and perhaps more so–on a college student or faculty member like Mark whom we have challenged to care about the things that Jesus cares about. What if our students and faculty heard an announcement at a Winter Conference and sponsored a child like Mark did when he was in his 20s? How might that affect the life of our disciples?

By the way, we are working on developing a partnership with Compassion Int’l to support the discipleship, mentoring, and leadership development of over 2000 Leadership Development students, who are studying at the leading universities in these countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Thailand, Uganda.

If you’d like to help, please contact me at JayLLL @aol.com.

Catalyst 2009 Compassion Moment from Catalyst on Vimeo.

This has already been called one of THE most powerful moments in Catalyst history; there wasn’t a dry eye in the arena after Jimmy Wambua met Mark, his Compassion Sponsor of 19 years, for the 1st time. It was an unbelievable moment…Jimmy begins to share at minute 3:45.

Perhaps we can broaden the heart of compassion in our students and faculty by encouraging them to sponsor a child through Compassion International? Maybe we should do the same thing for ourselves?

To sponsor a child, please visit Compassion.

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