Paul Pierson on Characteristics of Spiritual Movements

So what does a spiritual movement look like?

Dr Paul Pierson, missions history prof at Fuller, and a pastor at Hollywood Presbyterian Church, compiled a very helpful list of characterstics of renewal movements and sent them to Andrew over at tallskinykiwi . Here’s a copy of the letter.

“Dear Andrew,

The list of factors observed in revival and renewal movements throughout history is flexible and some of these can be combined, but here is a list.

  • They always begin on the periphery of the institutional church
  • They are motivated by a transforming experience (grace) of God by an individual or group.
  • The result is the desire for a more authentic Christian life that often leads to concern for the church and world.
  • Face to face groups for prayer, Bible study, mutual encouragement are important.
  • New methods of selecting and training leaders become important. These are less institutional, more grass roots and lay oriented.
  • There are theological breakthroughs, that is, rediscovery of aspects of the Biblical message that have been forgotten or overlooked by the Church, usually they involve a focus on the gifts of every believer.
  • There is a leveling effect, distance decreases between clergy and laity, social classes, races, men and women, and denominations.
  • The movement is countercultural in some ways, often because it reaches out to those who have not been valued by their society.
  • Consequently there will be opposition by many in the dominant culture and church
  • There will often be manifestations of spiritual warfare. such movements sense the reality of evil and the need to recognize the vistory of Christ in the cross and resurrection.
  • At times there will be unusual manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit; healings, visions, glossalalia, miracles. etc.
  • More flexible structures of church and mission will be needed and often emerge, different from traditional structures.
  • The movement will be led to significant recontextualization of the Christian message, which will be communicated more widely by lay persons to those outside the church.
  • New music is often a characteristic.
  • Biblical concepts ignored by the traditional church but relevant to the hearers are often discovered.
  • There will be a growing concern for the marginalized, often expressed in ministries of compassion.
  • At a later stage this often leads to concern for broader social transformation.
  • As the movement matures there will be concern for the renewal of the broader church.
  • As the movement continues to mature many will see themselves not only as part of the particular movement but as citizens of the Kingdom of God, transcending their own movement.
  • Finally, every movement is less than perfect and often messy at the edges and sometimes, at the center. This is inevitable as long as sinful humans are involved.

I hope this is helpful. Cordially, Paul Pierson

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