Change Your Stories

I ran across the following quote from Ivy Seazine…I keep thinking that our future in movement building requires fresh thinking, new road-maps and routes—new stories.

If your survival needs are taken care of — food, shelter, relative safety — chances are excellent that you have at least one or more ‘audacious goals’ that you’d like to see blossom into reality. Your visionary, audacious goals might be related to your housing, location, wellness, relationships, or livelihood, or something else.

And part of you — maybe a big part of you — may harbor doubts about whether this big, visionary yearning, your audacious goal, is possible, or even whether you deserve to accomplish and enjoy it once it’s manifested.

Many of us who want to create new outcomes or new realities sabotage ourselves right from the start, by failing to realize that if we want new outcomes, we need new road-maps and routes. In other words, we have to identify our existing ‘stories’ and mythologies, and determine what about them needs to be rewritten.

Old stories don’t support our journey to new destinations; they keep us living the old story.

The great physicist, Albert Einstein, said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." He also said that the problems you face can’t be solved by the same level of thinking that created the problems.

Jesus commented that you can’t put new wine into an old wine-skin; the Buddha counseled that "with your thoughts, you make your world."

In other words, to change your reality or your outcomes, transform your thoughts and your "ways of doing." Change your stories, which are like your journey road-maps and your routes, and you’ll arrive at new destinations that may be more in keeping with your sense of true vocation.

Source: Ivy Seazine

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